Nota sobre el futuro de las bicicletas y patinetes de Lyft del CEO David Risher

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Bicicletas 679
Estaciones inteligentes 79

Mogo es una expresión accesible de su futuro progresista y saludable que usa las bicicletas eléctricas ICONIC y BOOST.

MoGo Launch in July 2017

“After five years of hard work, we’re thrilled to begin our operations in ten Detroit neighborhoods, providing yet another option for Detroiters to get where they need to go. It’s an exciting time for mobility in the city, and we’re proud to launch a system designed to serve a diverse range of people and needs.”

Lisa Nuszkowski Executive director, MoGo

MoGo Detroit Launch Event

Since the start of MoGo’s operations in May 2017, the system has:

  • Logged more than 338,000 rides

  • Sold nearly 5,900 Monthly, Annual, and Access passes, with 2,010 current active members

  • Provided affordable options through its $5 annual Access pass, selling over 1,000 to individuals receiving state benefits for a total of 21 percent of all long-term passes sold to date

  • Delivered consistent and reliable service by ensuring riders have a more than 99 percent chance of having available bikes and docking points at each station

  • Helped riders burn nearly 54 million calories and offsetting 815,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, the equivalent of more than 900,000 miles driven by an average passenger vehicle


MoGo is excited to be expanding to Northwest Detroit, Huntington Woods, Ferndale, Royal Oak, Oak Park, and Berkley on Thursday, June 4th, 2020

Nuestras ciudades

PBSC fabrica su propia tecnología avanzada y fácil de usar.

Nuestras soluciones tecnológicas incluyen el software de gestión basado en la nube, la aplicación PBSC, las estaciones inteligentes y el dispositivo de anclaje patentado que bloquea tu bicicleta y se comunica con el sistema operativo.