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PBSC has proudly participated in the Tomorrow Mobility World Congress for the sixth consecutive year, and we are excited to share our insights on the event's added value and the key factors contributing to a successful congress.

For the sixth consecutive year, PBSC Urban Solutions has been an active participant and exhibitor at the Tomorrow Mobility World Congress. Hosted annually in the vibrant city of Barcelona, this event brings together industry experts along with government leaders to address transportation challenges the sector is facing and demonstrate effective, proven solutions to drive forward the movement towards more sustainable and inclusive micromobility.

Given Barcelona's pioneering role in the Smart City movement, marked by the implementation of innovative technologies and infrastructures, it only makes sense that this leading event takes place in this metropolis. 

The question is, why is it still important – as an urban solutions provider – to take part in trade shows?

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Building and strengthening a community 

Attending the Tomorrow Mobility World Congress isn't just about sharing and learning about industry trends and challenges. It is aptly named a "gathering" for a reason, as it is an excellent opportunity for us to meet, reconnect and discuss with our partners, including our operating partners and municipalities. It's the perfect time for a family reunion!

The congress is also a great opportunity for us to build an extended community and generate business relationships by meeting potential future partners, connecting with cities, governments, bike-sharing operators and various other stakeholders. After all, to build a better, and more sustainable world, we need more cities across the world to embrace the collective power of bike-sharing, and we are therefore committed to encouraging more cities to join the PBSC movement.

Let us tell you more... 

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A shared vision 

Defined as "the ultimate platform for sustainable & intelligent urban mobility", Tomorrow Mobility emphasizes ecological, active and shared mobility. The organization's vision and the themes addressed in the conferences and discussions align seamlessly with our own perspective on the future of transportation.

According to the International Energy Agency, by 2022, the transport sector accounted for 23% of global emissions. Indeed, Tomorrow Mobility's website underscores that "transport remains the world's fastest-growing source of pollution". With this reality in mind, we know it's time for decisive action to revolutionize urban mobility and move towards carbon neutrality.

We're happy that our solutions help address this challenge. Indeed, through our smart, innovative micromobility solutions, we actively promote and advocate for healthy, sustainable and active mobility. We focus on promoting bike-sharing solutions that contribute to the well-being of citizens, making people happier and healthier, while fostering the development of smarter and more organized cities.

With such a powerful tool in our hands, it's our mission to share our expertise and insights at gathering events such as the Tomorrow Mobility World Congress. We're therefore happy to share our knowledge to contribute to the development of the industry.

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Integrating bike-sharing with public transport modes

Meeting industry experts also means benefiting from market expertise to continually innovate and improve our own services. We realize that rethinking mobility in our cities is not just about bike-sharing, but also about multimodality, by integrating other modes of public transport. That's why PBSC has opened the way to new horizons.

We acknowledge that multimodality is a key success factor in urban mobility. Providing citizens with a variety of transport modes is key to making shared mobility accessible to a wider range of people. Other shared micromobility vehicles are becoming increasingly popular, such as shared scooters. However their integration into cities poses a substantial challenge. To address this, we now offer multimodal stations. These smart stations have the capacity to accommodate and secure a variety of micromobility vehicles in a single station, while recharging the electric fleet. They are the key to organized, safe cities.

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We also encourage cities to implement mobility hubs, by strategically locating stations close to metro, bus or train stops. This enables bike-sharing to be used as a first- and last-mile option, thus promoting multimodal journeys.

Final note

The criteria for selecting an event are many and vary greatly from one company to another, depending on the objectives to be achieved, but one thing remains constant: the offer must be worthy of the experience you wish to offer.

Fun fact, when we first participated in 2017, PBSC's portfolio included 17 cities. Today, after 6 participations and as many years elapsed, our bike-share family has expanded to 50 cities, including 5 in Spain.

Furthermore, following the successful deployment of Bicing, Barcelona's popular bike-sharing system in 2019 and our position as the leading bike-sharing provider in Spain – with the launch of our schemes in the cities of San Sebastian, La Coruña, Valladolid and Madrid – it's only fitting that PBSC participates in this international event, alongside our Spanish partners. Each year we are delighted to reunite with our Spanish operating partners, bringing our teams together for a 3-day show.  

Discover PBSC at the Tomorrow Mobility World Congress 2023: 

PBCS was happy to attend this year’s successful event. Having been present for 6 years now, we can already say that we look forward to seeing you next year at the 2024 edition of the Tomorrow Mobility World Congress!

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Discover what makes PBSC’s technology so powerful

PBSC’s advanced, user-friendly technology is built in-house. In addition to our bikes, e-scooters and Smart Stations, we offer an app for users, management system for operators, and much more.